Front view of a handmade Korean traditional wooden table lamp with a square pagoda-shaped roof and Sagunja patterns.
Front view of a handmade Korean traditional wooden table lamp with a square pagoda-shaped roof and Sagunja patterns.
Front view of a handmade Korean traditional wooden table lamp with a square pagoda-shaped roof and Sagunja patterns.
Front view of a handmade Korean traditional wooden table lamp with a square pagoda-shaped roof and Sagunja patterns.
Front view of a handmade Korean traditional wooden table lamp with a square pagoda-shaped roof and Sagunja patterns.
Front view of a handmade Korean traditional wooden table lamp with a square pagoda-shaped roof and Sagunja patterns.
Front view of a handmade Korean traditional wooden table lamp with a square pagoda-shaped roof and Sagunja patterns.
Front view of a handmade Korean traditional wooden table lamp with a square pagoda-shaped roof and Sagunja patterns.
Front view of a handmade Korean traditional wooden table lamp with a square pagoda-shaped roof and Sagunja patterns.
Front view of a handmade Korean traditional wooden table lamp with a square pagoda-shaped roof and Sagunja patterns.
Front view of a handmade Korean traditional wooden table lamp with a square pagoda-shaped roof and Sagunja patterns.
Front view of a handmade Korean traditional wooden table lamp with a square pagoda-shaped roof and Sagunja patterns.
Front view of a handmade Korean traditional wooden table lamp with a square pagoda-shaped roof and Sagunja patterns.
Front view of a handmade Korean traditional wooden table lamp with a square pagoda-shaped roof and Sagunja patterns. including plug and switch
Detailed front view of the Korean wooden table lamp showcasing intricate Sagunja patterns.
Detailed view of the Korean wooden table lamp showcasing intricate Sagunja patterns.
Detailed view of the Korean wooden table lamp showcasing intricate Sagunja patterns.


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このエレガントな韓国の手作り木製テーブルランプ (목재 사군자문 기와탑 등) で空間を明るく照らしましょう。四角い塔型の屋根が特徴のこのランプは、梅の花、蘭、菊、竹などの複雑なサグンジャ パターンを特徴としています。これらのデザインは、暖かく居心地の良い雰囲気を作り出します。高品質の木材で作られたこのランプは、耐久性があり、見た目も美しいです。柔らかく間接光を放ち、交換可能なパネルが付属しており、装飾をリフレッシュできます。ベッドサイド テーブル、デスク、またはアクセント ピースとして適しており、110 V およびオーストラリアの電源システム用のコンバーターが付属しています。このランプは、照らすだけでなく、どの部屋にも文化的な優雅さを加えます。


  • 幅(屋根) - 14.3cm(5.63インチ)
  • 奥行き(屋根) - 14.3cm(5.63インチ)
  • 全高 27.5cm (10.83 インチ)




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